Fast Car Magazine - Corsa E VXR Venom 'BEST EXHAUST' (February 2020)
Posted by CobraSportExhausts Admin

The February 2020 edition of Fast Car magazine features Cobra Sport's Vauxhall Corsa E VXR Venom system being awarded 'Best Exhaust' in the 2019 'Fast Car Product Awards'.
The simplified pipework of the Venom system which removes the usual rear box has been designed to create an unrivalled deep sporty sound which will set the Corsa E VXR ahead of the crowd.
Sound testing of the finished Venom cat back exhaust system recorded an impressive 89.8dB (+11dB) on the sound meter during the 4000rpm circuit test with a sound track which becomes highly aggressive under load.
In Fast Car's own words: "This new Venom stainless steel exhaust from Cobra is absolutely chuffing bonkers, and what with the E-shape VXR being one of THE hot hatches of the moment, we reckon these will simply fly out of the door."
Fast Car magazine is available monthly from many major retail outlets.
Be sure to take a look at some of the other performance exhaust products we offer for the Corsa E VXR by clicking here - Corsa E VXR Venom Exhaust