Total Vauxhall magazine follows the Cobra Sport Astra VXR J
Posted by CobraSportExhausts Admin
Cobra Sport's Astra VXR J has just teamed up with Regal Automotive to make some major improvements to the car and the guys at Total Vauxhall Magazine were there to find what we had done... After fitting a Cobra Sport stainless steel performance enhancing full turbo back exhaust system, Forge Intercooler & RSS cold air intake system Regal then moved onto adding one of their unique Regal ECU Re-maps to enhance all the power increases.
This all resulted in a staggering 49BHP gain and almost a 20% increase in torque figures.
To see the full details of the project, read the article in the January edition of Total Vauxhall Magazine (available from all good newsagents).